Welcome! I'm Axel

Picture of Axel Olivas
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Who am I

More About Me

More than a developer, I strive to be an artist. With a screen as my canvas and keyboard as my brush, my goal is to create beautiful, elegant solutions for your problems.

My greatest motivation is to keep moving forward. I'm not content with what I know now and I won't be any happier with what I know in the future. Keep an eye on my skills as I continue to improve and learn new technologies!


If it interests you, a copy of my resume can be found here.

  • Data Analysis
  • SQL
  • Excel
  • Tableau
  • Programming
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Frontend Development
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Adobe Suite

Take a look at my work

Formula 1 EDA

EDA of 1950-2021 seasons

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Snapchat Analysis

Mock analysis using my Snapchat data

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Spotify Clone

Spotify front-end created in React

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Misc Design Work

Past designs I have created for clients

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